Ofsted report
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Summary of key findings for parents and pupils:
“Marton Primary Academy and Nursery continues to be a good school” – OFSTED May 2023
Key Information
School details
Unique reference number 141867
Local authority Blackpool
Inspection number 10269019
Type of school Primary
School category Academy converter
Age range of pupils 2 to 11
Gender of pupils Mixed
Number of pupils on the school roll 322
Appropriate authority Board of trustees
Chair of trust John Stephens
Headteacher Alice Coyle
Website www.martonprimary.co.uk
Dates of previous inspection 6 and 7 February 2018, under section 5 of
the Education Act 2005
Information about this school
- The school is part of the Bright Futures Education Trust.
- A small number of pupils are dual-registered and attend other primary schools.
- Since the previous inspection, a new headteacher and executive headteacher have been appointed. The executive headteacher is also responsible for another school in the trust.
- The school has a specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND. The specially resourced provision is for 32 primary-aged pupils. Pupils’ primary needs in this base include autism spectrum disorder. All pupils who attend the specially resourced provision have education, health and care plans.
- There is provision for two-year-old children in the Nursery class.
Information about this inspection
- This was the first routine inspection that the school received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The inspector discussed the impact of the pandemic with leaders and has taken that into account in his evaluation of the school.
- The inspector held meetings with the headteacher, the executive principal and other senior leaders to discuss provision for pupils with SEND, attendance and pupils’ behaviour, welfare and personal development.
- The inspector met with members of the governing body and trustees. He held a conversation with a representative from the local authority.
- The inspector carried out deep dives into these subjects: early reading, mathematics and history. For each deep dive, he discussed the curriculum with subject leaders, visited a sample of lessons, spoke with teachers, spoke to some pupils about their learning and looked at samples of pupils’ work. The inspector also heard pupils read to a familiar adult.
- The inspector spoke with staff about their workload and well-being. He reviewed the responses to Ofsted’s online survey for staff.
- The inspector met with parents and reviewed the responses to Ofsted Parent View, including the free-text comments. There were no responses to Ofsted’s pupil survey to consider.
- The inspector spoke to safeguarding leaders about the reporting and recording of safeguarding incidents. He talked with pupils about their safety and welfare. He examined a range of policies and documents relating to safeguarding, including the school’s safeguarding policy.
Inspection team
Lenford White, lead inspector Ofsted Inspector
You can view the full report on the OFSTED Website.