Marton Primary Academy and Nursery is a fully inclusive school. We welcome all children and are proud of the provision we offer to children with special needs. The SEND team ensure that children make good progress and achieve high standards for their abilities. This aspect of our school is a recognised key strength in moving learning forward.
We employ a full time Inclusion Leader and SENDCo to coordinate provision and a number of Special Needs Support Assistants to ensure that children are very well supported both individually and in groups according to their needs. We have excellent links with outreach agencies such as physiotherapists and speech and language therapists to support our children’s learning and development.
All nursery children are Wellcom screened to identify speech and language delay. Children receive support for speech and language throughout our provision as all nursery staff are trained to deliver Hanen, I CAN 0-5’s and Early Talk Boost strategies.
The school site is on one level and is suitable for wheelchair access. Special toilet and changing facilities are provided and a physiotherapy room is on site. We genuinely welcome parents as partners in learning and actively encourage them to be involved with setting and reviewing their child’s Individual Education Plan targets. Other resources are targeted at specific needs when required such as walking frames, special sized chairs, footrests etc. Disabled pupils are actively encouraged and supported to take part in all areas of learning, including extra-curricular activities and visits off site.
Following the SEND Code of Practice, we follow a graduated approach to support children with special needs. We work closely with the Local Authority Early Years SEND team to identify additional needs.
Statutory Assessment: Following a formal assessment by the Local Education Authority, children may be issued with a Statement for Special Education Needs. Additional provision and specialist support is then provided.
For more information, please see our Special Educational Needs Policy. A paper copy is also available from our main office.
The school SENCo is Mrs D Holden who can be contacted at or by calling the main school number on 01253 838 556