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Website Title:What’s it about?Website address (URL):
EverymumReally useful tips and advice on improving your child’s reading.
Oxford Owl

Free eBook library helping children develop their reading skills at home, plus top phonics tips!
Accelerated readerHelps children to monitor their own reading progress  
Lexia CORE ReadingLiteracy program that extends learning for children who are advanced and accelerates learning for students who struggle.Using lexia out of school
IDLMulti-sensory system which supports learners learning difficulties to increase their reading and spelling ages.  
Teach Your Monster To ReadPhonics game helping children to read. Children create a monster and take it on a magical journey.
Read Alouds – from We Are TeachersVirtual read alouds and audio books from selected children’s authors
AudibleAudio book site
Get Blackpool ReadingCommunity-driven campaign led by the National Literacy Trust in partnership with Blackpool Council and the Blackpool Opportunity Area. Check out their new Facebook page now!
Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Marton Primary Academy & Nursery
Whernside, Off Highfield Rd, Marton
Blackpool FY4 5LY
Ofsted CEOP