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We are proud of our school and want all our children to feel a strong sense of belonging to our school community. We believe that wearing uniform helps us to achieve this. We encourage children to maintain high standards of appearance at all times and expect school uniform to be worn.

Please refer to our Uniform Policy for more information.

Compulsory Uniform

  • A pale blue polo shirt, this can be branded with our academy logo but does not have to be
  • A grey skirt, grey pinafore, grey skorts or grey trousers
  • A maroon sweatshirt with the school logo
  • Grey socks or tights
  • Black sensible shoes (sandals. boots or trainers are not permitted).
  • A coat of any colour or style
  • Branded book bags and PE bags are optional
  • Small stud earrings can be worn but must be removed for PE.

Children should also come to school with a warm, waterproof coat each day.

Summer Uniform (optional)

In addition to the items listed above, children may choose to wear:

  • Pale blue gingham or striped dresses
  • White or black low heeled sandals
  • Sun hats (available from the school office)

PE Kit

PE is an important part of the school curriculum. For health and safety reasons, it is important that children are properly dressed in the following kit:

  • Children come to school in their PE kit on their PE days
  • A white PE t-shirt or the academy white t-shirt with maroon short sleeves
  • Maroon shorts or black tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
  • Academy sweatshirt with our logo or an optional PE hooded top with our logo

Kit should be kept in a named draw string bag at school through the week and returned home at weekends or holidays for washing.

To reduce lost property please ensure that all uniform and P.E. kit is labelled with your child’s name. This will help us to match lost items to owners.

Please note that for health and safety reasons children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind in school. This includes earrings. Watches may be worn.

Other Useful Items: Sun hats, book bags and additional water bottles can be bought at cost price from the School Office.

Hair Accessories

For health and safety reasons, long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons and bobbles should be fairly simple and where possible in school colours. Hair gel and extreme fashion haircuts such as Mohicans and shaved patterns are not to be worn at school.

Where to purchase it

  • All our school uniform can be purchased from high street shops with the exception of our maroon sweatshirt, the optional maroon PE hoodie and the optional PE t-shirt.
  • The maroon sweatshirt, the optional maroon PE hoodie and the optional PE t-shirt can be purchased from First Class Kids on Highfield Road.
  • Every half term, we have a uniform exchange where parents and carers are encouraged to come into school to see if we have any uniform that they can make use of for their children.
Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Marton Primary Academy & Nursery
Whernside, Off Highfield Rd, Marton
Blackpool FY4 5LY
Ofsted CEOP